Wednesday, 9 November 2011


We have had a couple of really good days walking, and also enjoying the company of other pilgrims. It has also been good to keep in touch with Sophie who is loving staying with Kaye in Orvieto.

Yesterday as Tim mentioned we arrived in the early afternoon and Anna very graciously met us and let us into the great Pilgrim hostel in San Quirico. It was very narrow with 2 very tall, very narrow staircases going up up up, with a kitchen perched on one side and 2 rooms up the very top. After a great time wandering around we met up again with our French friend Anne who was now accompanied by her son Stan. Then before tea another French lady, Francoise, arrived. We all went out to dinner together and enjoyed bilingual conversation.

Before 6 we were up, had caffe latte, ham and eggs for breakfast, made ham and cheese panini for picnic lunches, and out the door before 7:30.

What a day! We knew we had a lot of climbing to do today, but were not sure which hilltop our destination was on. We kept guessing until 2/3 of the way it became evident that the tower-topped hill, as far away as we could see, was Radicofani. To our great delight we walked all the way, 33.5 km with an ascent of over 1000 m.

Now we are again enjoying the company of our 3 French friends, and clean clothes and soft shoes.

At one stage today, I was incredibly aware of how happy and content I was in that moment: Warm sunshine, vast space, sense of challenge and achievement, solitude and companionship. I realise that I will really miss this journey when it is over. Hence Tim's encouragement to me to journal what it is that is so special while it is happening.

Love from Merran.


  1. Hi,

    I'm glad you did it today till Radicofani. It's a wonderful village and the people are very friendly. The woman of a small supermarket even gave me discount when I said I'm a pilgrim :)
    The etap today was relatively easy. It mostly went downhill (I took a shorter variant of 24 km)
    I'm now in "La casa del Pellegrino", Via Roma 51, but I think you should try another adress. Old house. No heating, cooking on a fireoven :)

    Kind regards to you and Anne

  2. Bravi, what an amazing achievement. Sophie's glad you survived. enjoy tomorrow. xxx
