Monday 7 November 2011

Sophie takes a break

Soph has found the Tuscan hills and her boots a bit of a challenge. Not to mention 4 solid weeks in constant company of her parents, no sleeping in and 364.7kms on foot through varied terrain. So when our Aussie friend Kaye from Orvieto happened to message us and offer Soph some space, time to sleep in, read, watch movies and eat her home cooking for a few days, she could hardly refuse. Kaye and a friend drove to Buonconvento today and we met there over lunch. Soph messaged us a while ago from Orvieto enjoying a Thai Curry and a good movie.

We now face 100kms in four days through San Quirico, Radicofani, Aquapendente to Lake Bolsena. There are a couple 30km days which are described encouragingly in the guide book as "very strenuous uphill stage". Another reason Soph felt Orvieto looked like a good idea. We may well come to appreciate her wisdom!

We are staying this evening high up on a Tuscan hill with 360 degree views, overlooking Buonconvento. A thunderstorm is brewing in the distance and the weather seems to be cooling. We plan for a fairly early start in the morning.

PS we have no idea if anyone is reading this blog, love to see any comments if anyone is there!!!!


  1. hi mum and dad,
    I hope you're having a lovely time and manage the next few days, I'm pretty much in love with Orvieto already and have only seen the town from a distance. I even got greeted by a rainbow entering town.
    p.s. I'm glad you call my break an act of wisdom :)

  2. I read it :)
    Thx for your visit on my blog. I hope the translation was not too bad :)
    I also enjoyed staying with you.
    I'm in San Quirico d'Orcia and I'm fine. In the background there is a choire singing. Very nice to listen.
    Sophie. All the best for your feet!

    Ps: Roman was here :)
    Pps: Did you meet Adrian today?

  3. Wonderful to follow your pilgrimage on this blog! We certainly look many times a day to see your latest news. Happy times Soph in Orvieto. We got reports of floods in Genoa and Naples. Has this affected you? Safe travel over next 100km. Love to all in Milan.

    N & M

  4. Its lovely to hear how your pilgrimage is unfolding. I'm reminded of a lovely poem by John O'Donohue,

    I would love to live
    like a river flows,
    carried by the surprise
    of it's own unfolding.

    May you continue to be caught by surprise


  5. Thanks everyone, appreciate your comments. Glad you are enjoying Orvieto Soph, we are on our way to meet you!!! So don' t get too comfortable and stay fit!!!

  6. loved seeing you yesterday and love having Sophie with me. have fun. Kaye

  7. A grueling task for any one to walk such a long way. I do hope that its been memorable.
